Key Considerations for Marketers in Cyber-Security


Aurelien Mottier
Reading Time: 3 minutes



Key Considerations for Marketers in Cyber-Security

Aurelien Mottier

CEO at Operatix

Gily Netzer

VP Marketing at Illusive Networks

Gily Netzer has been working in the cyber-security space for almost 20 years.

She’s worked with startups and she’s worked with large brands, such a Symantec. Currently, she’s the VP of Marketing for Illusive Networks.

As you can imagine, she’s witnessed quite the evolution in the industry.

Over time, a rise in connectivity has made it easier for attackers to exploit networks.  Attacks leverage increasing security gaps left by connectivity, and attacks become more advanced. Furthermore, strong hacking tools have been exposed throughout the years. Even lower level attackers can now execute sophisticated attacks, thanks to these tools.

So, organizations have to bridge the gaps with cyber investments.

One major challenge marketers like Gily face in the cyber-security space is that it can be difficult to sell a product to customers who do not yet see the need for it.

A second challenges facing marketers like Gily is finding creative ways to break through the noise.

On today’s episode of B2B Revenue Acceleration, Gily joined us to talk about her experience with this challenge as a marketer in cyber-security. She also shared some key considerations to keep in mind as you work towards closing deals.

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The cybersecurity market has become very crowded – we have to find a creative way to break through the noise.

Gily Netzer

How Does a Cybersecurity Marketer Break Through the Noise? Ask Key Questions

As you’re putting together your marketing strategy in the cyber-security space, Gily says there are a couple of key questions you need to be asking that will affect the type of strategy you choose.

First, what is your go-to-market strategy? Will you use channel partners? Or direct sales and marketing?

Next, think about your ideal customer profile. You also need to identify the functions with key decision-makers for your solution. Who might you need to interact with and how?

Finally, be clear on your use cases. Optimize your company’s messaging to strike a  balance between your solution’s features and the benefits they offer to the each different use case.

Use A Combination of Tactics

Next, it’s time to roll up your sleeves with tactics and execution that aim to get the attention of your customer at the right time.

The key is to deploy a combination of tactics in a multi-touch approach.

For example, one tactic you might consider using is thought leadership. Commit to speaking engagements, write articles, focus on analyst relations, post blogs, and put out white papers.

Another tactic we all know and love is demand gen. Attend conferences and events but continue to set up appointments. Investing in these events is crucial, especially if you are an early-stage startup.

Go where the customers already are because they will not come to you. Events allow you to go where the market is and connect with them there. Once you start to develop some contacts and establish thought leadership, you will have a bit more flexibility.

Thinking more on the digital side, use advertisement and create social posts that spark engagement.

Pipeline acceleration is also very key. Marketers frequently find a challenge in converting early-stage opportunities into the next stage, and continue converting them up the pipe. So, invest in your pipeline acceleration.

Customize Your Marketing

With all of the changes happening in the cyber-security space, we were curious as to how Gily changed her marketing strategy to keep pace. Does she employ a “trial and measure” approach or does she stick to replicating tactics she already knows will work well?

Her response:

The strategy you choose to employ will depend on your company and its stage of growth.

Think about a very early-stage technology startup. The company doesn’t have any relationships with prospects or customers. In this case, the majority of the investment will probably be in PR, analyst relations, and demand gen.

Regardless of what tactics you choose to employ in your combination approach, don’t neglect data. Gily says you always have to be-data driven, numbers-driven. Check your numbers to see what brings you the most profitability.

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You always have to be data driven, numbers driven. Check what brings you the most profitability.

Gily Netzer

This post is based on an interview with Gily Netzer from Illusive Networks.

To hear this episode, and many more like it, you can subscribe to The B2B Revenue Acceleration Podcast.

If you don’t use iTunes, you can listen to every episode here.

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Operatix is a Sales Acceleration company specialized in supporting B2B Software vendors to identify new revenue streams, increase qualified sales pipeline, and accelerate channel development across Europe and North America. Operatix has a wealth of experience in working with the biggest tech players worldwide as well as a multitude of emerging software vendors.

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