16th March 2012 – London – Operatix have teamed up with one of the worlds leading lights in Mobile computing and how it will effect the way companies do business in the future.
At the end of April, over 3 days, Operatix will deliver “Mobile computing – Understanding the driving forces of change in this decade and why your business needs to evolve”
Essential to all business leaders, senior marketeers and sales specialists, really understand how the ‘access anywhere’ potential of cloud services, delivered via a web service to an App is the real driver. The App has become and will continue to be the ‘digital key’ to unlocking cloud markets.
Dates and registration will be available from Tuesday March 20th via the Operatix website www.operatix.net
For information: www.operatix.net or
Contact: info@operatix.net
Phone: UK +44 (0)208 123 2178
US +1 650 353 2301